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Refresh Yourself With Self-Hypnosis

There are countless books on self-hypnosis, what it does, how it  works, techniques for use, etc. There are even more books on  relaxation, meditation, self-help and similar subjects. Many  hypnotherapists teach self-hypnosis as a part of their offered services. Others use it as an adjunct to therapeutic procedures in specific  cases. One factor is critical-the user of self-hypnosis is likely to  fare better if the technique is taught by a professional than if it is  attempted experimentally from written instructions.

Many professionals claim that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis,  referring primarily to the fact that hypnosis cannot be forced on  anyone. An individual who does not wish to be hypnotized cannot be  hypnotized. A person who wishes to be hypnotized can take  himself/herself into any of several depth levels of hypnosis. But the  process is more easily learned under supervision. The learning is not  difficult, and the required skills improve with every personal  self-hypnosis experience.

Self-Hypnosis: Why?

For Service In the West Georgia Area, Please tedContact

Ted Ceccoli, MA

Certified Hypnotherapist;
Licensed Professional Counselor

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Other Articles on Uses for Hypnosis:


Frequently Asked Questions

Stop Smoking

Weight Loss

Hang-ups: Fears and Phobias

Athletic Performance

Pain Management

Career  Advancement

Children:  The Best Subjects

Understanding Hypnosis


Insomnia - Sleep Well

Learning  Enhancement and Memory

Why Fear  Physicians and Dentists?

Personal  Development

Regression: Is It For Real?

Relationship Therapy

Memo to  Sales People

Seniors:  How To Stay Young

Hypnotherapy in Sex Problems


Stress  Management

Most knowledgeable people will agree that the mind is an extremely  powerful force-perhaps the most powerful force in the universe.  Self-hypnosis provides a means of using this power to personal  advantage: to achieve self-mastery. Psychologists have claimed that  every human has, perhaps subconsciously, the same goal-the achievement  of self-actualization, the reaching of an individual maximum potential,  or in sports terminology, the achievement of the "personal best."

Hypnosis can help bring about major changes in important areas of  life: habit control, emotional stability, motivational advancement,  health and pain management, sexual problems and others. One of the  great benefits of hypnosis is its use in psychotherapy to reveal causes  and reduce the time of treatment.

While hypnosis is powerful and effective in hypnotherapy,  psychology, psychiatry, medicine and other professional fields, it can  produce dramatic results when individually used by those who master the  techniques of self-hypnosis. It can be particularly helpful in changing attitudes, increasing self-confidence, learning enhancement, memory  improvement, stress and pain management, habit control, bedwetting,  motivation and countless other areas of personal concern. Self-hypnosis has proved successful in advancing athletic skills and is used by  Olympic contenders in many nations.

The use of imagination is important, and efforts become much more  productive as skills in imagination and visualization are acquired.  Most people, though they may be unaware, have experienced hypnosis.  Daydreaming is a form of hypnosis. Becoming deeply involved in a book,  movie, TV program, musical performance or play can be a hypnotic  experience. Missing a turn while driving may result from "the mind  being elsewhere," which can be hypnosis. Hypnosis is not sleep. It is  not unconsciousness. It is often described as an altered state of  consciousness, where the conscious mind is attending to other things,  allowing the body to operate on what might be called "automatic pilot."  Authorities have described hypnosis as "something that you DO," not as  something that is done to you.

Self-analysis, under hypnosis, can reveal the direction needed for  forward progress. Self-motivation, under hypnosis, can start the  forward movement. Self-suggestion, under hypnosis, can provide the  reinforcement necessary to achieve specific goals. Every individual has tremendous sources of power available on demand, once the means of  accessing such power are understood and utilized.

Autosuggestions: The Key

It has been pointed out by many speakers and many writers in many  different word formations that "what your mind can conceive, you can  achieve!" This form of positive thinking or statement of affirmation  dates back to biblical times (As a man thinketh, so shall he be, etc.).  The same basic thought has been the theme of countless books on  self-improvement, all of which deal with the power of the mind.  Self-hypnosis can be the afterburner of positive thinking-the super  power-thrust which can blast a dream into reality.

Self-hypnosis, used in conjunction with imaging and visualization,  can generate the power to change, the power to create, the power to  progress toward self-actualization. One of the world's greatest  problems is the acceptance by people of self-imposed limitations: "I'm  too old!" "I'm not educated enough!" "My wife, husband, mother,  teacher or whoever wouldn't let me!" "I'm too sick!" "I don't know  how!" etc. These restrictions, limits, bonds, ropes or chains can be  removed and progress resumed through the power of self-hypnosis.

Preventive and restrictive emotions-anxiety, fear, depression,  grief, anger, hate and other negatives-can be overcome by the person  willing to meet the four basic requirements for success: Desire,  Belief, Expectation and Demand. Self-hypnosis can provide the nurturing to enable these requirements to advance to the power levels necessary  for fulfillment

There are four elements in achieving a preplanned state of  self-hypnosis. They can be learned by study or through instruction.  They are: Fixation: which clears the mind and prepares it for the work ahead; Relaxation: which diverts the conscious mind and enables the  unconscious mind (far more powerful) to provide or absorb information;  Suggestion: which implants the instructions into the unconscious mind;  and Visualization: which is the power source for change, development,  modification or whatever is necessary to fulfill achievement of the  individual goals.

Content on this page ©1999 National Guild of  Hypnotists, Merrimack, NH 03054

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