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Learn To Set Goals and Achieve Them

One of the most valuable suggestions which can be implanted through hypnotherapy consists of only eight words: "What your mind can  conceive, YOU can achieve!" There is no more important message, for the statement can be applied to any goal, physical, mental, or spiritual.

The mind is a powerhouse, capable of accomplishments beyond the  most vivid imagination. To achieve the potential implied by the above  statement, four elements are necessary:

Given the above elements, the fact remains: "What your mind can  conceive, you can achieve." The mind conceives through visualization,  which comes easier for some people than others. Yet it can be learned  and acquired-hypnotherapy can help in this-and the benefits last a  lifetime. But it is essential to learn how to set and achieve goals.  Implanting the procedures and techniques through hypnosis is very  helpful.

Goal Setting Problems

Most people have dreams-of success, wealth, love, career  advancement, resolution of problems or whatever. Few carry them through planning to achievement. Learning special techniques under the  retention power of hypnosis can help in the achievement of dreams.

One of the major problems in setting goals and achieving career  advancement has been described as the "Playpen Syndrome." It begins  virtually at birth, when young children are naturally very suggestible.  They want to be liked. They learn from parents, teachers and authority figures that if they do what they are told, they will be liked. If  they create problems, they won't be liked.

Young children are placed by parents in a playpen where they are  considered safe and out of trouble. They become comfortable in that  environment. They are out of the way; they are fed, changed,  watched-taken care of. And they are liked because they do not create  problems. They are left in the playpen where their needs are met, they  don't get into trouble, and they are liked. But they are not encouraged to learn or advance.

Many children grow up in a playpen. In sports activities they are  allowed to play on teams regardless of their proficiency at the sport,  without real motivation to improve. Later in a working environment  unions cater to their needs, save their jobs regardless of their skills  or lack thereof, determine their wages and benefits, fight their  battles, etc. And the government itself provides the biggest playpen of all, attempting to meet needs and plan the future, without any  incentive to become self-sufficient. The playpen syndrome fosters  mediocrity, and it is promoted by people and agencies who want to avoid  being bothered by ambition, creativity, new ideas or progress.

Escape From the Playpen

Hypnotherapy, through a special programming featuring goal setting  and achievement, provides a way out of the playpen. Effective goal  setting requires both a sense of completion and a reward. The major  problem most people encounter in setting goals is that the goals are  long-term in nature. A young, new employee decides to be president of  the company. A student wants to become a doctor, lawyer, politician,  even president. A goal-setter even less oriented decides the goal is to become a millionaire. These are accomplishment goals. Most people set them; excuses are easy, failure is frequent, there is no  accountability.

Activity goals form the foundations of success. They consist of  what must be done to reach an accomplishment goal. They are short term  in nature. They are the steps to success. The student sets his first  goal as achieving a creditable grade on his first test. Another goal  might be passing a mid-term examination. Still another could be  preparation of a final term paper that is outstanding-steps in earning  entrance into medical school, from which, after completing numerous  other activity goals, the accomplishment goal of doctor may be realized.

Each short-term activity goal, once accomplished, provides the  essential sense of completion, and motivation to undertake the next  step. And each such completion should be accompanied by a self-reward,  self-recognition of the successful step. The step-by-step process of  sequential short term activity goals completed and rewarded forms the  pathway to achievement.

A model for success might be as follows: Set a realistic,  achievable accomplishment goal. Determine its benefits for emotional  motivation. Analyze the obstacles-if they exceed benefits, failure is  assured. Determine the knowledge and skills required. Determine  sources of help. Design a plan of action (activity goals). Set a  deadline, which establishes accountability.

Goal setting can provide the ladder for escape from the playpen.  Hypnotherapy can provide motivation, confidence, energy and insight.  The ultimate prize: avoidance of mediocrity!

Content on this page ©1999 National Guild of  Hypnotists, Merrimack, NH 03054

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